Home to the age of "Hast thou seen"
history between man and his date home forever. He experienced several forms of houses that were first away, made from animal skins, branches and leaves or mud, depending on the area occupied. Otherwise, there were some who are downright perched atop a tree to ward off any attack by predators or enemies. Here we are in the presence of the protective home. But with time, man has combined all the constraints: the constraint weather, stress safe, but above all, and it came with the manners of modern times, social constraint. The latter is currently reached its peak as we are witnessing a wave of common thought that tends to think along the same lines: "Tell me where you live and I'll tell you who you are."
The actual technology liberated creation among architects and allowed all forms of creativity. The combinations are endless and the owners now mingle in the creation upstream because the back and forth between the designer's sketches and the wishes of the owner can be operated almost indefinitely until the two Parties agree to finalize the draft.
result, cities are filled with these houses and buildings where we can read the personal touches of the owners, long hidden desires in each of them and out into the open to mark the presence in person. Before, we lived hidden, unobtrusive in the home sweet home. Now we watch, we show what we are, what we have. Just see today's cars, clothes that door now. Hiding is corny, suspect. Show themselves became a form of existence which determines our relationship with society. We must choose a lifestyle based on current standards, as one chooses a color of belonging, and show it to everyone to position themselves in such a role playing game where he who does not comment or did not position, not playing.
Hence the release of land in many types of houses where colors play a pronounced identity, where forms are mostly recognizable by size rather than architecture. Before, the facades were painted in soft colors, shades resting peacefully in the eye from the bustling city. Today we got out of this tranquility, this comfort as to launch a cry of society: acid colors and garish, windows and windows opening onto the street, increased to control vertical movements of the neighbors, the staging of out of the garage to be seen by passersby and neighbors ... These results are not necessarily part of the good tastes of our parents. Too bad we no longer build or to live well for the past, are projected far into the future, towards the future where nothing is preordained, which is all about and the answer depends on each one, the one who shouts the loudest.
Today, we dare mixing, the mixture which fell before the bad taste. No more style houses and scholarly definitions of Architects for architectural guidelines classify the lines of plans they were charged with taking. It is the owners who define the plans and the architect is reduced to the role of "translator" of dreams. This is not inherently bad for architectural design, far from it. This new situation will necessarily change things from designers who have long been locked in a straitjacket of elites and insiders deemed far from reality contemporary societies.
But as we all know, loves creating the movement, as it is unbalanced, it is a sign that everyone is looking, there is still life in every creation.
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