Thursday, December 9, 2010

Acrostic Poems On Black Death

Decoration Construction prices in Madagascar in Madagascar

Price per m² in major cities

We are entering a phase of economic uncertainty where people prefer to invest heavily in stone, the only area where, according to most respondents, "no one loses ever. " On one condition, however, that everyone be patient as construction becomes more valuable as the environment grows: servicing the neighborhood amenities (transport, trade, security).

As a guide, we give you this article on a price range of construction per square meter for early 2011 in Antananarivo and in some major cities of Madagascar. These are indicative prices of base may change depending on your builder and architect.

Antananarivo between 700.000ar and 1.000.000ar for a house, but what price can climb up 2.000.000ar obviously depending on the choice of materials used

Tamatave: between and 800.000ar 1.500.000ar

Majunga: between and 900.000ar 1.500.000ar

Diego Suarez and between 1.000.000ar 1.800.000ar

Nosy Be: between 1.400.000ar and 2.300.000ar

Fort Dauphin: between 1,400,000 and 2.300.000ar

Tuléar: between and 1.000.000ar 2.000.000ar


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