Sea School in Tulear and the first museum in Freshwater Pond Salt - Reunion
A project to create a Regional Pole Mer is in course. Major players will be grouped together on this project. This is the IFREMER (French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea), IRD (Research Institute for Development), ARVAM (Association for Research and Promotion Navy). This is the result of a reflection on the spirit of unifying around skills research programs. Projects such as regional cooperation is already on track as one with Mozambique in 2010 on the mangrove crab aquaculture in this region of East Africa but also other projects which will come to Madagascar. These regions were chosen for their high water but also the problems that currently exist on the same issue of water.
The museum in the middle of ponds
Center Freshwater pilot project therefore planned Centre Regional Sea, was launched by the Regional Chair Didier Robert La Reunion in the area of the Etang Salé. This is a project that will be the basis of aquaculture in the island. But he has also designed one that will affect tourism but also research and development. It will be completed in 2014 at a cost of 6.8 million euros on a site run by ARDA (Association of Reunion Aquaculture Development). This is a project that will remind everyone how fragile aquatic ecosystems in tropical areas as in most island cases on the Indian Ocean.
Ecole de la Mer de Tulear
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